Monday 27 May 2013

Chadwick Blackwell Defines What Makes A Good Christian

A good Christian is someone who believes in goodness in everyone, despite their faults and
actions that may try to disprove it. Chadwick Blackwell sees the value in having faith and
treating others as you would like to be treated because there is nothing more important than each

Chadwick Blackwell is a devoted Christian that has held strong in his faith despite challenges. It
is not always easy to remain loyal to Christ when times get tough but Chadwick Blackwell says
he is still able to see the bright side when he looks at all of the blessings he has so graciously
received, such as his family, his job, and his home. If he had to go through life again,
Chadwick Blackwell says he would do everything the same because he has learned such a great
deal from depending on God and raising his two boys to do the same.

If you are ever doubting yourself, look at everything that goes wrong as a blessing in disguise.
This is one of the best ways to be a good Christian because it shows your loyalty to Christ and
trust in his plan for your life and spiritual journey. Chadwick Blackwell encourages going to
church as often as you can because it is a physical reminder of the good in the world.  With so
many people needing to see to believe rather than simply believing, Chadwick Blackwell says a
church filled with other believers is just the way to solidify your faith. Never underestimate the
power of many people beating with one heart.

Another good way of being a good Christian is to appreciate nature. Chadwick Blackwell finds
peace from being outside and calls it God’s Natural Church. A person appreciating nature's 
beauty is at the highest form of oneness with God.

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